How to: Start Your Own CPR Business

So, you want to start your own CPR training business? Then you’ve come to the right place.
While there are plenty of resources available online that you could use to see how to get started, it’s often difficult to know where to begin. Let’s face it, it is a bit overwhelming.
One thing is certain, though, to build a successful CPR training business, you’ll need to do some careful planning and map out each stage of starting a CPR business.
Fortunately, in this guide, we’ll make it simple and straightforward so you can take the first steps towards getting your CPR business off the ground in no time!
Attend CPR Classes
If you’re not already an instructor, that’s your first step you should take. Before starting a CPR training business, you should be able to do the training yourself.. We’ve written in detail how to become a CPR instructor, but below is the quick guide.
Take a BLS Provider Course, then you’ll qualify to take a BLS Instructor course. In this course, you’ll learn how to perform CPR and use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
You’ll need to find an AHA training center offers both the provider and instructor course which is not the case at all training centers. Prices range from about $200 to $500.
There are other organizations that you can make you a CPR instructor like the American Red Cross, but we strongly recommend starting with the AHA before seeking out instructorships from other organizations because of the broader range of clients you can target as an AHA instructor.
Follow the Curriculum
In order to issue AHA cards to your students and remain in compliance, it’s important that you adhere to the AHA’s curriculum as well as their Program Administration Manual. This includes making sure you have the required training materials and other supplies for your students.
You’ll, for example, have to invest in:
- Instructor manuals that range from about $40 to $60.
- Course DVDs that range around $100-$165.
- Student workbooks that cost anything from $2.50 per student and up.
- Certification cards that vary from $4 to $25 per student depending on the type of CPR course.
Purchase Materials
In addition to the above, you’ll also have to invest in the equipment that you’ll need to teach CPR and offer CPR classes to your customers.
These include:
- Adult and Infant manikins.
- Adult and Infant bag mask devices.
- AED trainers.
- Masks and valves.
- Gloves and wipes.
You can expect to spend $1500-2000 for an initial setup, and then there’s all the other administration supplies that you’ll need to consider as well.
Choose Your CPR Training Model
When it comes to your CPR and first aid training classes, you have a variety of options.
Your first option is offer public classes. Here, you’ll advertise your classes to the community, and you’ll probably have a premises where you’ll present the classes. You could even present the classes in a library or at a church, but if you’re serious about starting a business, you’ll want to rent your own space later.
Your next option is on-site classes. Like public classes, you’ll also advertise your classes, but you’ll present the classes on-site at a customer’s location. In this way, you don’t necessarily need a place of your own to present the classes.
Your last option is to get contracts with large corporates who hire you to present classes at their locations. These locations are often spread out across the country and offering this training can be quite lucrative.
Other Considerations for Your Business
Once you’ve dealt with all of the above, there are some other things you should also consider. Like for all business owners, these factors are all important and allow you to run a successful business.
You’ll have to:
- Set up a proper budget that takes into account all your expenses. Managing and controlling your expenditure is important for any for profit business, so a budget is vital.
- Think about a name for your business. Here, it’s important not to spend too much time on choosing the right name, but there are some things you’ll need to consider.
- Consider which software systems or platforms you’ll use to improve your productivity and the management of your CPR training business.
- Decide on the right legal structure for your business. Here, you’ll have several structures to consider, each with its own pros and cons.
- Consider and plan how you’ll market your business.
- Consider whether you’ll hire any CPR instructors. Although not strictly necessary early on, it is worth it to give it some thought.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this short guide was helpful to put you on the right track to opening your own CPR training business.
Feel free to contact us or check out our YouTube channel for more resources, especially if you’re interested in one of our business courses.
If you’re already an instructor and want to partner with an AHA Training Center that can help you start your CPR business more efficiently, learn more about alignment with us here.