AHA blended learning classes are designed for students to learn comfortably at their own pace.
Convenient & Flexible
Select Vitali training classes are available in a blended learning format for students interested in
convenient, & flexible class options.
What is blended learning?
We offer a flexible blended learning format that can be partially completed online and partially in-person at one of our training locations. These classes allow students to learn at their own pace and complete the cognitive portion and written test online. After completing the online portion, you will attend an abbreviated in-person class where you practice and test your skills live with an instructor.
How to Register
Registering for a blended learning class with Vitali is as easy as 123.
Check Session Availability
Step 1: Always check to see if there’s a local instructor near you, offering the live skills session class needed to complete your certification before purchasing a blended class.¹
Book Skills Session for Online/Blended Course
Step 2: Register for one of our skill sessions and purchase the online course. Make sure you have enough time to complete the online portion before attending the in person portion.² Complete the online training (4-6 hours recommended).
Attend an
In-Person Class
Step 3: Print your online course completion certificate and bring it to class. Following completion of in person skills practice and testing you will receive a certification card.
¹We often see people pay and spend a lot of time taking the online course only to find out there is no one offering the skills session.
²Shortly after completing this portion, you’ll receive a certification via email.